282 research outputs found

    L’éducation, segment du marché scolaire ?

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    Dans une société du savoir, se développe un marché scolaire, fondé sur de nouvelles offres et de nouvelles demandes d’éducation. Comment l’école réagit-elle au sein de ce marché ? Comment le service public se situe-t-il face à l’offre privée qui se développe ? L’offre se diversifie, des services nouveaux apparaissent. Les réponses à ces questions varient d’un pays à l’autre : positionner l’école publique au sein du marché scolaire est un choix politique. L’article s’appuie sur des études de cas portant sur la Corée du Sud, la Finlande, le Maroc et la Russie, ainsi que sur une étude transversale sur le tutorat privé.In the knowledge society, an educational market is emerging, based on new educational supply and demand. How is education to react within this market? How does the public sector respond to the emergent private sector? The supply is diversifying, new services are materialising, and responses to these questions vary from one country to another. Situating public schools in an educational market is a matter of policy choice. The article draws on case studies from South Korea, Finland, Morocco and Russia, as well as a cross-cutting study on private tuition.En una sociedad del saber, se desarrolla un mercado escolar, fundado en nuevas ofertas y nuevas demandas educativas. ¿Cómo reacciona la escuela en dicho mercado? ¿Cuál es la posición del servicio público frente a la oferta privada naciente? La oferta se diversifica y van apareciendo nuevos servicios. Las respuestas a dichas preguntas varían de un país a otro: posicionar la escuela pública en el mercado escolar constituye una opción política. El artículo se basa en una serie de casos de estudio realizados en Corea del Sur, Finlandia, Marruecos y Rusia, así como en un estudio transversal sobre la tutoría privada

    Towards a method to deploy systems engineering processes within companies

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    Systems Engineering (SE) approach is a tried and tested approach that promotes and coordinates all appropriate processes to design, develop and test a system. These SE processes have been defined in many standards which are not always consistent with each other and often provide only generic indications. Therefore, companies seeking to apply the SE approach must answer themselves the following questions: how to tailor these generic processes to their company? What methodology must be applied to deploy SE processes? How to ensure the success of this deployment? The purpose of this paper is to present the two main principles of a SE processes deployment methodological approach currently under development and applied to a helicopter manufacturer. These principles are: 1) The description of the set of activities necessary for the deployment, 2) The main concepts necessary to the approach, gathered and shortly formalised in a global meta-model

    Mixing Systems Engineering and Enterprise Modelling principles to formalize a SE processes deployment approach in industry

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    12 pagesInternational audienceSystems Engineering (SE) is a tried and tested methodological approach to design and test new products. It acts as a modelbased engineering approach and promotes for this purpose a set of standardized collaborative processes, modelling languages and frameworks. In a complementary way, Enterprise Modelling (EM) provides concepts, techniques and means to model businesses along with their processes. The purpose of this paper is to provide a method for the deployment of SE processes considering interoperability and building bridges between SE and EM. An application case is given illustrating the definition of the stakeholder requirements definition process defined in the ISO 15288:2008

    A European research agenda for lifelong learning

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    It is a generally accepted truth that without a proper educational system no country will prosper, nor will its inhabitants. With the arrival of the post-industrial society, in Europe and elsewhere, it has become increasingly clear that people should continue learning over their entire life-spans lest they or their society suffer the dire consequences. But what does this future lifelong learning society exactly look like? And how then should education prepare for it? What should people learn and how should they do so? How can we afford to pay for all this, what are the socio-economic constraints of the move towards a lifelong-learning society? And, of course, what role can and should the educational establishment of schools and universities play? This are questions that demand serious research efforts, which is what this paper argues for


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    Depuis plus de trente ans, à travers le monde, on s’intéresse à l’utilisation des outils numériques dans l’enseignement, à l’intégration des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) dans l’éducation. Tous les responsables de systèmes éducatifs ont compris qu’il s’agissait d’un enjeu essentiel. Et pourtant, on peut considérer que les choses évoluent plutôt lentement : le numérique n’est pas vraiment intégré à l’éducation, l’école n’a pas profondément changé et bien des enseig..

    Exploring the Potential of Sulfonamide-Dihydropyridine Hybrids as Multitargeted Ligands for Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a multifactorial neurodegenerative disease that has a heavy social and economic impact on all societies and for which there is still no cure. Multitarget-directed ligands (MTDLs) seem to be a promising therapeutic strategy for finding an effective treatment for this disease. For this purpose, new MTDLs were designed and synthesized in three steps by simple and cost-efficient procedures targeting calcium channel blockade, cholinesterase inhibition, and antioxidant activity. The biological and physicochemical results collected in this study allowed us the identification two sulfonamide-dihydropyridine hybrids showing simultaneous cholinesterase inhibition, calcium channel blockade, antioxidant capacity and Nrf2-ARE activating effect, that deserve to be further investigated for AD therapy.This work was supported by the Regional Council of Franche-Comté (2022Y-13659 and 13660 Accurate Project).Peer reviewe

    Effect of early, short-term supplementation on weight and linear growth of 4-7-mo-old infants in developing countries : a four-country randomized trial

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    The effect of supplementation on growth was tested by means of four similar controlled randomized trials in the Congo (n = 120), Senegal (n = 110), Bolivie (n = 127), and New Caledonia (n = 90). Four month-old infants were randomly allocated to supplement or control groups. A cereal-based precooked porridge was offered twice daily for 3 mo and consumption was monitored. Both groups were free to eat local food. At 7 mo of age, all infants were still breast-fed in the Congo, Senegal, and Bolivia compared with 47% in the New Caledonia. Mean daily consumption of the supplement varied among countries (558-790 kJ/d). Mean length at 4 mo was lowest in Bolivia, higher in Senegal and the Congo, and near the National Center for Health Statistics reference in New Caledonia. The mean 4-7 mo length increment was 0,48 cm higher for supplemented than for control infants in Senegal (P < 0.05), whereas weight increments did not differ. No significant effect was found in the other countries. (Résumé d'auteur

    Le numérique à l’école : évolution ou révolution pédagogique ?

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    Ce débat entre experts et praticiens fait apparaître des lignes de fracture et de force : fracture entre le temps long de l’école et l’immédiateté numérique de la jeunesse, tensions sur les mésusages technologiques, mais aussi travail d’équipe, développement de projets, enrichissement de la culture humaniste. Le numérique bouscule l’école, ses certitudes, son organisation, ses instruments. Son enseignement ne saurait, selon les participants, se réduire à celui d’une discipline, et requiert une approche transversale de la littératie numérique, associant usage responsable des instruments, connaissance des grand concepts du numérique, et développement d’une réflexion scientifique, éthique et philosophique.This debate between experts and practitioners reveals the main areas of discussion and divergence: the gap between the long timeframe of school and the digital immediacy of youth, tensions surrounding the misuse of technologies, but also teamwork, project development and an enriched culture of humanism. Digital technologies are disrupting school’s certainties, organisation and -equipment. According to the speakers, the teaching of digital technologies cannot be reduced to a single discipline and requires a multisectoral approach to digital literacy – one that combines the responsible use of equipment, knowledge of major digital concepts and the development of scientific, ethical and philosophical reflections.Este debate entre expertos y practicantes hace aparecer unas líneas de fractura : fractura entre el tiempo largo de la escuela y la inmediatez digital de la juventud, tensiones entre los malos usos tecnológicos, pero también trabajo colectivo, desarrollo de proyectos, enriquecimiento de la cultura humanista. Lo digital empuja a la escuela, sus certidumbres, su organización, sus instrumentos. Según los participantes, su enseñanza no podría reducirse al de una asignatura, y requiere una aproximación transversal de la alfabetización digital, que asocie uso responsable de los instrumentos, conocimiento de los grandes conceptos de lo digital y desarrollo de una reflexión científica, ética y filosófica
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